The College has around 1,300 students on roll each year. Most students are currently studying on an A’level programme of study or BTEC/OCR vocational pathway, Vocational L2 pathway or Foundation Learning in their chosen subjects. They will either; progress to university, other Gateway programmes, apprenticeships or employment. At Gateway College we aim to develop the potential of every one of our students.
Gateway College attaches great importance to helping individual students achieve their maximum potential, and they consistently achieve grades above those which might reasonably be expected based on GCSE scores. This is the result of a positive, constructive staff-student-parent partnership, and allows genuine progression.
The College offers:
– Reliable and impartial advice on the choices available; clear and accurate information about courses, entry requirements, final qualifications and facilities; how courses are assessed, and how your learning will be managed; details of the arrangements for those with learning difficulties or disabilities; information on how well the College is doing, including published inspection reports on the quality of what it provides.
– To have your application for a place handled fairly and efficiently; to be shown teaching areas and learning facilities; to be told about the charges the College may make and about any financial help that is available.
– High quality teaching and support for your learning, regular information on your progress and achievements, access to unbiased careers advice and other guidance and counselling; prompt payment of allowances, if you are eligible.