This course allows you to continue developing your Science skills through a varied range of topics covering Physics, Chemistry and Biology.
1 year: Diploma (Equivalent to 3 GCSEs)
Standard entry requirements.
(Grade D/3 in English, Science and Maths)
The course will be assessed, through assignments that may include presentations, reports and practical classes. Units included are; Science of the Earth, Food Production, Science of health, Chemical design, radiology, data processing and careers in science.
This course allows you to continue developing your Science skills through a varied range of topics covering Physics, Chemistry and Biology. You will develop knowledge and understanding of some key concepts in Biology, Chemistry and Physics, and be able to apply these to real life situations such are world food security, industrial production of everyday chemicals as well as health.
Students who complete the level 2 programme can go onto level 3 vocational science programmes that have successfully secured offers from universities in medical, pharmaceutical, biochemical courses leading onto employment in a scientific field.