Gateway College is celebrating National Supported Internship Day

Project Search is a one-year ‘transition to work’ programme designed for young adults with SEND who aim to secure employment in the community.

All this week, we will be spreading the word about our supported internship programme, in proud partnership with DFN Project Search, Leicester City Council, and three fantastic host employers:

  • Glenfield Hospital Leicester
  • Leicester Marriott Hotel
  • Chartwells Catering and Compass Group UK based at De Montfort University

Some words from our Project Search staff:

“Project Search is a brilliant initiative, and it is a privilege to be a part of it. Having Intithar from Gateway College, as part of the OPD team has been both inspiring and grounding. All the OPD team were on board as soon as they heard about the project; without that, we would not be able to support an intern in the department. We are hoping that our intern will flourish and become a permanent member of Team UHL.” – Laura, Deputy Sister at Glenfield Hospital Outpatient Department

“Intithar is really enjoying herself… A sign of her being happy is when you ask if she enjoys her job, she gives out a big smile.” – Noreen, Job Coach based at Glenfield Hospital

What is a supported internship?

A supported internship is a study programme for young people aged 16-24 who have an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) and want to move into employment but need extra support to learn work-related skills. A supported internship offers on-the-job coaching and mentor support.

Internships typically last up to a year, and some host businesses may offer opportunities that include three different job role experiences within the placement. The expected outcome of the internship is that it may lead to paid employment with the host business or with other employers. Some young people may choose to do voluntary work or go to college to gain further vocational qualifications.

Julia’s Experience at Leicester Marriott Hotel

Julia is a Gateway College student intern at Leicester Marriott Hotel and has had the chance to gain experience with the host employers. Her role is in housekeeping! This placement has helped her develop many skills, which is positive for her progression route into employment.

At Marriott Hotel, each student undertakes three different work placements throughout the course. Each placement lasts for 10–12 weeks, and students are supported by a job coach and an instructor.

Here are some of the intern placements at Marriott Hotel to give you an idea of what to expect:

  • Housekeeping
  • Reception
  • Culinary
  • Conference and Banqueting
  • Engineering
  • Food and Beverage

Check out Gateway College’s social media campaign highlighting our supported internship pathway, success stories from students and staff as well as some interesting facts about entry to work programmes.

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Apply now for place to study at Gateway College on our DFN Project Search course, click here